Thursday, September 11, 2008

So MucH BaD, nOt eNouGh gooD !!!

Instead of showing kindness, we illustrate dramatic cruelty. Love is much easier to reveal and yet we somehow choose hate in its place. A warm hug can express comfort, but we rather throw a violent fit. A smile may make the whole day bearable, but we frown to make it worse instead. Why is it easier to do all the bad things and not the good? Are people so afraid of getting hurt that they shield themselves with an amour of malevolence? The world is filled with so many ghastly events occurring as it is, that the last thing anyone needs is for one more nasty person.

I have come to meet so many people that aren’t who they appear to be and I am aware that this is customary. While they may all have ulterior motives, do they not realize that what they do onto others will be done onto them in ten folds? Are people so arrogant these days to assume that they can get away with murder without having to face the consequences? I honestly believe that such people have no conscience, and I say that simply because it would take a rather depraved individual to act the way he does, and still be able to be at peace with himself.

When you think about it, awful things happen mostly when people only think of themselves. I understand that being selfish is good once in while, maybe even necessary, but it all depends on the price attached to it. The thing is, you can be selfish and still show a little care and compassion for the other person. Simple, do what is best for yourself, but just don’t do it deliberately to hurt someone else.

No one will change because they are told to or because it may bring about good. Change can and will only occur when each person strives to better himself first. There will always be people who will be out to get you and make you feel worthless. They may even affect you to the point that you’re absolutely confused. It doesn’t matter really. Ultimately, it’s how you come out of such a situation is what matters the most.


Anonymous said...

lynn...ko kuat membebel..penat nk bace....

Lynn Abdullah said...

sorry la wei..nie yg aku tgh aku tulis la